Oral Sex10 Videos

Blow And Grow Penis Growth Blowjob Technique

My blowjob techniques are repeatable and have worked on all three of my lovers. One of my partners is 25% bigger, one is 40% bigger overall, and I actually FIXED the broken penis of my third lover. More on that in a minute… THE RECOMMENDED 30-MINUTE PUMPING SESSION – Prepare your penis with a warm, […]

How To Give The Best Blow Job

HOT! She holds a vibrator on his balls and uses the other hand to stroke his penis as she takes him into her mouth. Whether you like getting or giving oral pleasure… I LOVE sharing hot sex tips from my readers. So watch this new video about Sam, whose girlfriend likes to give him head… […]

How to Deep Throat And Avoid Gagging

I have a series of emails asking for my advice from people on my email list. This one comes from Andrea. It’s about deep throat, one of my favorite past-times. “Dear Susan, Hello. I love you. What would cause me to no longer deep-throat my boyfriend? My throat seems to close up at the moment, […]

How To Give A Blow Job If You Have TMJ

Make sure you grab my free book here, “Mouth Watering Techniques That Intensify Oral Pleasure Ten Times Better.” You and your lover are going to love this one I’m giving you something called my breast massage master plan, know how to touch boobies right. Click here.

The Best Blow Job Tips Video

The Bavarian blowjob barmaid is back! I’m Susan Bratton, and I have another installment of the Bavarian Barmaid Blowjob series. This is the best blow job video on YouTube. I watched all the blowjob videos on YouTube, but I’m going to tell you some things that nobody knows but me, the Bavarian blowjob barmaid. 10X […]

The Blow Job Secret

The Bavarian blowjob barmaid is back with a secret for you. There’s a secret you should know about blowjobs. Blowjobs or fellatio are not only orgasmic for the reciever but also for the giver as well. You don’t have to think about blowjob as a job; it’s a joy! A blow-joy! When you really learn […]

Blow and Grow

The conversation revolves around a technique called “blow and grow,” which is a form of oral sex where the person performing it gently suckles on the penis instead of aggressively sucking. The key idea is to mimic the way a baby nurses from a breast, using the tongue to draw blood into the penis and […]