Bullseye Touch Technique

A woman is, if you think about it, like the bullseye touch technique. 


Most guys, because they’re goal-oriented, right away reach out to touch your sensitive areas. They never start with your hands or arms or stroking your hair, kissing your eyelids and cheeks, or holding you. If you want your woman to be more present, there are a couple of things. 

The first one is, don’t forget to romance her. Have sensual experiences together. Not sexual but sensual experiences together in which you’re getting her present with you. Before you do it sexually, try it sensually. Then you can seduce her toward more pleasure and sensual connection. 

Slow down—work from the outside in. Use the bullseye technique. Don’t touch her nipples right away. She might get hurt. There’s a lot of areas that are not nipples and are deliciously sensitive. They are the thighs, the sweet little butt cheeks, and the lower back. Everything feels good when it feels good. 

Getting your woman to be present comes from slowing down, starting from the outside in, remembering the romance, and moving her towards sensual pleasure

Before, you tried to get her to pay attention to you during sex while giving her a pounding. So I hope this helps.

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