Dirty Talk40 Videos

Orgasmic Cross Training Video

The best way to help your woman have intercourse from penetration is to get her engorged and then do what my friend Sheri Winston calls, “Orgasmic Cross Training.” Here is a video where I asked Sheri to describe how to do Orgasmic Cross Training.

50 Shades Of Grey Movie Review By Susan Bratton

Here’s a 5 minute video of my movie review of 50 Shades of Grey. Find out where 50 Shades went wrong and what you can do to be the dominant sexual leader she craves. Get Her To Open Sexually, Download Your Free Audio and Special Report: https://personallifemedia.com/how-to-…​ PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL: http://goo.gl/6r954G​ OTHER PLACES […]

Jim Benson And Susan Bratton Video Bloopers

Hot Cutie and Horny Stud, see Monkey Boy in action, witness my ridiculous Godfather imitation and get a giggle today. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL: http://goo.gl/6r954G​ OTHER PLACES TO FIND US: △ FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/Personal-Lif…​ △ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/personallife​ △ BLOG: http://personallifemedia.com/​ Or Email us at support@personallifemedia.com